Over time, poverty in the population has been exacerbated by the issue of unemployment.
Many young people who have completed their education wander the streets aimlessly in search of employment without any luck.
While some persisted in their efforts in the hopes of a brighter future, others have given up and lost hope.
In addition to the previously mentioned, some of these young people with nothing to do have fallen prey to drug abuse, crime, and other wicked pursuits, as the proverb goes, “an idle hand is the devil’s workshop.”
Moreover, a large number of physically fit and extremely competent people who were unable to find work continue to rely financially on their parents and guardians.
In order to solve this issue, teenagers must be encouraged to acquire careers or skills that will enable them to work for themselves and become financially independent.
This deficit will be filled in part by bringing vocational and technical education back to life in the nation.

The area of education known as technical education focuses on applying scientific knowledge to improve human surroundings through the acquisition of practical skills.
On the other hand, because vocational education exposes students to a variety of employment alternatives, it prepares them to be relevant in all areas of life.
Additionally, students have the chance to specialize in a particular area, which will enable them to make a significant contribution to the economic development of the country.
Given that the majority of the world’s industrialized nations achieved their current status by acquiring comprehensive vocational abilities, it is imperative that emphasis be placed on this educational level.
Linking university education with technical and vocational training is also essential.
Gaining technical or vocational skills would boost output and lower unemployment.
All tiers of government should recognize the importance of technical and vocational education for the advancement of the country.
In order for the nation to truly be considered among the world’s developed nations, this is more crucial than ever.
Career and skill development should be promoted from the country’s secondary schools onward.
In light of recent remarks made by Professor Josiah Ajiboye, Registrar and Chief Executive of the Teachers’ Registrar Council of Nigeria, the government cannot continue to fold its arms. According to Professor Ajiboye, 273 technical teachers are needed in the country’s public school system in order to fulfill the government’s goal of having one teacher for every 20 students.
Results indicate that more than twenty thousand public secondary schools need technical subject teachers.
The announcement made by Mr. Sonny Echono, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Education, that the federal government will create ten more technical education colleges over the course of the next three years and six new ones by the end of the year is encouraging nonetheless.
Without a doubt, this will provide young people with the skills they need to be independent and employers of labor.
In order to attract more people to the teaching profession, more polytechnics, monotechnics, vocational schools, and other innovation enterprise institutions should be built. Additionally, inadequate teacher compensation should be addressed.