Parents should consider switching schools in Singapore during their secondary education.

While switching schools in your senior year of high school is never easy, we’ve been discussing ways to make the process go more smoothly with some of Singapore’s best international schools.Occasionally, despite your best efforts and numerous sleepless hours and weeks spent researching foreign schools in Singapore, your top option for education may not turn…

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Primary and secondary education: What Are They?

What distinguishes secondary education from primary schooling? In brief: Education: Primary versus Secondary Primary education refers to the initial phases of formal education that come after pre-school or kindergarten education, whereas secondary education refers to the latter stages of formal education that come after primary education. This is the main contrast between primary and secondary…

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How Do Primary and Secondary Education Differ From One Another?

Primary Education: What Is It? Following kindergarten or pre-school, primary education is the first phase of formal education. It centers on instruction and learning exercises meant to enhance early school abilities such as reading, writing, and math. Elementary and primary schools are the settings for primary education. Starting primary school at age 5-7 and finishing…

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